Attention Renters

Do Not Sign Another Rent Check Until You Consider This Information And Our Promise To You

We Can Help You Own Your Own Home, Right Now, Regardless Of Your Current Financial Circumstances

Dear Friend,

We are local real estate investors and we have a very exciting promise for you. You can stop flushing away rent money every month, which just makes your landlord rich, and buy a home of your own from us right now.

Imagine ... a home of your very own! A fenced yard for the kids. A garage for your car. Enough room for all your things. All on a quiet street! Privacy! Comfort!

Why Now?

We have lots of lenders who are just plain sitting on too much money and they are eager to make more home loans right now. Interest rates are at an all time low. The time just couldn't be better to get financing you for your new home and we have a few beautiful homes available right here in this area.

What About Credit Problems?

Even if you don't have perfect credit or you are self employed, there are loans available for you. Whatever your current situation, there's probably a home loan that's just right for you ? and we'll walk across hot coals to get you in one of our lovely houses, even if it means financing you ourselves.

Will I Need A Big Down Payment?

You don't need a large pile of money for a down payment either. If you've been held back by the idea that you have to save up $10,000 to $20,000 or more to put down to buy a good home, forget it.

For many people ? maybe you ? the government will even step in to help with a down payment, with low interest financing and in other ways. Very few people know that the government is eager to help them buy their first home. We can also help you get every possible benefit that is available from Uncle Sam to help first time home buyers.

Every month that you wait, you flush your hard earned money down the toilet Renting is wasting money. You make your landlord rich, but you do nothing for yourself. But putting those exact same dollars into a house payment instead of rent you create equity ... value that you own, that later can send your kids to college, finance the startup of your own business, or pay for your retirement.

Be your own landlord and build up future financial security. We'll even show you easy strategies to speed up the payoff of your home without making extra payments. Also, as a homeowner, you get tax breaks that renters never get.

There's no reason to wait. We can put you in a home right now. Switching from renting to home ownership can help you go from being in debt to your landlord - to becoming financially secure. You can use home ownership as the foundation of a complete change in your overall finances!

Being A homeowner Just Makes You Feel Good

In addition to the smart financial reasons for buying your own home instead of renting, you'll feel better about yourself and your life. You'll provide a safer place for yourself, your spouse, and your family. You can decorate your home just as you please. You'll enjoy having people over to your home.

Will I Have To Settle For A Home I Don't Love?

Our ?inventory? of available homes has never been greater. You may be surprised at how much home you can afford with our loans and financing strategies. We will talk about the kind of home you want, the kind of neighborhood you want to live in, your financial situation, and then we'll do the hard work of getting you financed, or finance you ourselves. A home you can afford, with a loan that's right for you. A home you can be proud of and a home you can move into right now. Of course, everything you tell us is completely private and confidential.

Why Not Explore This Idea? What Do You Have To Lose?

Here's how it works! Click on the ?Property For Sale? link in our menu to see the homes that are currently available. We own all these homes and can probably give you the lockbox code to get in to take a look without us breathing down your neck. When you find a home you like, just complete the "Contact Us About This Property" form which is located at the top of every property listing page and usually within 24 hours, we will be on the phone with you, discussing what type of financing we can do for you as well as your desired terms. To start this process, there is no cost to you or obligation and we don't even have to meet unless the deal's a go.

We keep it simple, easy, hassle free, without cost or obligation, and strictly confidential. There are not very many people we can't get financed. As we said above, sometimes we can even finance you ourselves and eliminate the banks altogether. This is serious business to us, and if you're serious about buying, we're serious about getting you into home of your own. This is a rare and special opportunity to work with the actual owner of a home who also has unique abilities and the skills to get you financed.

Check out our properties today if you don't want to rent for the rest of your life. 

P. S. We only have a few homes available at any one time and we get tons of visitors to this web site and phone calls to our office daily. Obviously, these homes won't be on the market long. Even if you're too late for one of these houses or you don't like any of them, if you wish, we will still add you to our buyer's list and contact you in the future when something new becomes available. However, if you don't click here to start the process, you won't make the list. P. P. S. There is no one in our area better qualified to help you fulfill your dream of homeownership than us. You'll soon understand why!